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UPDATED: November 23rd, 2003
No, you're not seeing things. This is an actual update. In case of hyperventilation, please breathe into a paper bag.
I really have no excuse for the year-long time period since my last update. I think it's mostly due to my sudden obsession with building webpages for other people(Calista, Jadestar...). Thus, I've been ignoring my own site.
And as such, I really don't have much to update *with*. No new stories, no new profiles.
*bows head in shame*
Although...I must note that I *have* actually been updating my adoption site.*shameless plug time* Go click on the little pink banner in the top right-hand corner and check it out!
Well, might as well let you all know what I *do* have for updates....
Stuff this update:
Having discovered the everlasting joys of cascading style sheets (Thanks, Cass!), I've redone my entire site. Nothing too radical, just made the overall site more uniform and gave the scrollbar a face-lift.
Completely revamped the Gallery page. Now with thumbnails and seperate art pages! Cartloads of new art, too!
FINALLY fixed the problem with the Music files. So that page is back up! Whoo!
You may have already noticed(considering I did it three months ago) that I revamped the Links page. But, uh...yeah. Revamped the Links page. Also made a seperate 'Link to Me' page, with a few new banners!
Got rid of the 'E-mail Me' link and changed it to a 'Contact Me' page. Lots of info on how to stalk me properly. ^_^
I have a new Guestbook! I kinda broke the other one *coughs* so I finally caved in and got a new one. Even managed to transfer all the old entries to the new book. Go me!
Things to do for next update:
Stories, profiles, stories, commission people, stories, subsites, stories....the usual. Blah.
Sub Sites:
Buttons & banners created at:
Backgrounds taken from: