February 13th, 2006


Yeah, so fair amount of stuff this update (Should be, considering it's been over TWO YEARS):

  • Complete overhaul of the site, and got rid of a whole bunch of stuff that I didn't need or was never going to get around to finishing. Le sigh. But the site's a lot more streamlined now. ^_^
  • One new story, and a Drabbles/Ficlets Section with -- *counts* -- fourteen entries. If you go to the CaI board, you've probably seen most of them, but there's still a few surprises to be found.
  • Fifteen new pics in Gallery. Got rid of Jessica's section.
  • Added a few more things to the Contact Me page.
Um... I actually *have* been writing...but it's mostly starting things and never finishing them. Maybe by next update (whenever that is) will have some more ficbits to it. ^^
Until then!

"Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series" is ©™ Disney.
Wildwing Flashblade, Nosedive Flashblade, Mallory McMallard, Grin Hardwing, Tanya Vanderflock, Duke L丹range, Canard Thunderbeak, Lucretia Decoy, Falcone, Phil Pomfeather, Captain Klegghorn, Dragaunus, Siege, Wraith, Chameleon are © Disney. Characters used without permission.
Karla Pomfeather, Tip, Dorvan N'esa are © K.Mitchell. Please do not use without permission.
All stories found on this site is © K. Mitchell. Please do not archive without permission. All art on this site is © their respective artists. All art on this site belongs to K. Mitchell. Please do not take without permission.
Background is from Absolute Background Textures Archive. Graphics were created by Calista. Please do not use without permission.